Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why can't a dad just pay their kids child support? Why?

Was it something that the child has done to make them not want to provide the very best for their own flesh and blood?  I keep coming across these stories daily, and it really pisses me off to be honest.

 I know a few ladies in this exact same situation, they are still trying to track down one of the deadbeats, the other went to jail amazingly came up with the money he owed and got out of jail.  

Being a parent is the most important job you will ever have.  Voluntarily withholding support from your children month after month after month is not acceptable. You have no right to do that.   If you are a noncustodial parent who has to pay child support, you have to pay it.  Simple to understand.  You don't give them the leftover money that you have after you have paid your bills and bought the things you want, you have to hand over their part first, just the same way that the custodial parent has to, no choice for that parent because the kids live with that parent. It is a sign of a real jacka** that would neglect to provide for their own kids.  Providing for them is not optional.  

You deadbeats just head out to have your own other life and drop all of the responsibilities on to the custodial parent.  This speaks volumes to the integrity of that deadbeat parent.  What if the custodial parent decided they did not want to support the kids and just said the hell with it.  Then what?  

Advice:  When the child support is not paid, FILE CONTEMPT CHARGES AS FAST AS YOU CAN BECAUSE IT TAKES A WHILE FOR THE PAPERS TO GO THROUGH BUT ONCE THEY DO GO THROUGH, LOOK OUT DEADBEAT!  Your life is about to change, drastically!  It serves you right though.  I mean neglecting to pay child support for 4 to 5 months is asking a lot of the custodial parent, a lot!  It is not fair so you get what you deserve in the end.  It is just sad for the kids.  It affects them, to know their parent did not think enough of them to buy them food or clothes or support an activity they might enjoy doing.  This does become their inner dialog, they start to believe they have done something to deserve being treated like crap, but they did nothing, it was just you being a selfish brat.

Here is a story I found from a case of a deadbeat dad that did not pay child support for 2 years.  It appears he moved around a lot but they finally tracked his sorry a** down.  The content of this article was provided by Sioux Falls News.

SIOUX FALLS – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says it has arrested a man accused of failing to pay more than $68,000 in child support in South Dakota.

The department says its agents and local officers in Great Falls, Mont., arrested Dennis J. Thomas on Wednesday on an outstanding federal warrant from 2009. Thomas on Thursday was ordered to be transported back to South Dakota by the U.S. Marshals Service.

HHS says that the department’s Sioux Falls investigative team got a lead in early January that Thomas might have been living in Montana and used surveillance to confirm the tip.

According to the court papers, Thomas is accused of failing to pay from January 2007 until the indictment in December 2009.
Attorney information for Thomas was not immediately available.
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Read More: Arrest Made in Child Support Case | http://ksoo.com/arrest-made-in-child-support-case/?trackback=tsmclip

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