Thursday, March 12, 2020

Let's talk Friday the 13th....

Just like my ex.....

Friday the 13th has a bad reputation and has for countless numbers of years and with good reason.

I have done many posts about triskaidekaphobia because it is so interesting (not like my ex).  You can read those here, here, here, here, and here.

~This Friday the 13th is also coupled with a rare, full Harvest Moon.  The last Harvest Moon was 19 years ago and the next will not be until 2049.

~Basically, no one can pinpoint how far back this fear of 13 goes but it is estimated to be in the Middle Ages, even Hammurabi did not include law #13 in the ancient Code of Hammurabi.

~Did you know that in order for a month to have a Friday the 13th, the month must start on Sunday?

~It is hard to find a 13th floor in most high rise buildings and hospitals but if you try to test this theory, also look for room 13.

~Heavy metal band Black Sabbath's first album was released on Friday, February 13, 1970.

~Nasa predicts that a large asteroid will come close enough to Earth to be seen without a telescope in Asia, Europe, and Africa.

~Alfred Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899.

~Tupac died on September 13, 1996.

~Have you wondered why there are 13 people at the Last Supper?

~Some people believe if you change your bed on Friday the 13th, you will have bad dreams.

~You may want to hold off on hair cut appointments because apparently getting your hair cut on Friday the 13th will result in the death of a family member.

If Friday the 13th causes you anxiety, you may want to avoid walking under ladders, black cats, broken mirrors,spilling salt, and getting your hair cut, even though the rational part of you knows it is just a bunch of hocus pocus.

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