An absent parent is defined (legally) by the way some parents relate to or fail to relate to their own kids. These are usually the noncustodial parents. Visitation parameters are set up to accommodate visitation and communication but for what ever reason, the noncustodial parent just does not stay involved in the kid's life. They are missing/absent even through they do not have to be. This is a choice they are making. To abandon their kids and have nothing to do with them. Limited-to-no contact, limited-to-no visitation, and you guessed it, no child support payments! Not paying child support, however, is a different matter. One simply does not just neglect to pay child support. Eventually, they will have to hand it over whether it be through jail time, seizing assets, garnishing paychecks, or whatever the court determines to be appropriate.
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Did you know that if a parent willfully avoids fulfilling their responsibilities to their kids, the custodial parent has the right to use an investigator to find them and bring them in to answer before the court and discuss making adequate payments?
So an absent parent is basically a parent that chooses to put their own needs ahead of their kids needs and basically just slowly disappear. That is what usually happens. In the beginning of the process, all the visitations are had, phone contact every night like clockwork, child support payments come in on time but then you start to notice a tickling down of all of that. The answers to are you coming for visitation today turns into an excuse, where is the money-you are late, again excuses. Finally a year or so later, the kids are lucky to get any money at all for support and visits and phone calls pretty much stop.
An absent parent=a horrible, neglectful, parent. Really you could leave off the word parent since no parenting is happening anyway.
Read more at wiseGEEK
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